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Researcher Stories

Dr. Sravan Patel: Beyond the cutting edge - Research targets diagnostic, medical treatment for endometriosis

“That’s where my passion is: to make formulation and drug delivery agents that are more specific to women’s needs and to women’s biology.”

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Dr. Lisa Rohan: What Women Want

“I think we’ve only just begun to give women’s health the attention that it deserves. I’m here to not only contribute to the science but hope to also train and spark passion for women’s health research in the next generation of scientists.”

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Dr. Mary Ackenbom: Promoting Post-Surgical Wellness

“My central goal with the research that I’m involved in is to improve the quality of care that women are receiving and increase awareness of what is being provided for women.”

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Dr. Ron Buckanovich: Building a Better Model for Clinical Trial Testing

“Cancer always parallels normal biology; it’s just a criminalized version of the system.”

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Dr. Yoel Sadovsky: Improving our Understanding of Birth Complications

“It all begins with pregnancy. The intersect between the placenta, the fetus, and the mother is the very beginning of inferences that shape human evolution.”

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Dr. Nicole Donnellan: Eliminating the Mystery in Diagnosing Endometriosis

“If we can establish screening mechanisms for early detection, it would allow primary care doctors to refer patients directly to an endometriosis specialist.”

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Dr. Yoel Sadovsky: Studying the Placenta to Predict Fetal Development

“By better understanding how [the placenta] functions, we can better define the normal trajectory of health and development of the human fetus.”

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Dr. Ron Buckanovich: Getting to the Root of Ovarian Cancer

“We think by using human tissue around the tumor in a mouse, that will change the paradigm of how we screen drugs. When you grow a human tumor in human tissue, it is much more resistant to most of those therapies.”

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Dr. Kyle Orwig: Preserving Fertility of Cancer Patients

“I think our job as educators is to get people to think beyond the boundaries about what reproductive medicine could look like tomorrow.”

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