Give Big For Women And Infants

Nov 27, 2017
Today is GiveBig Pittsburgh!
November 28 marks Give Big Pittsburgh, a time to celebrate the Pittsburgh nonprofits responsible for doing so much good for the community. Hosted by the Pittsburgh Magazine and the Pittsburgh Foundation, Give Big Pittsburgh is a one-day event designed to prime nonprofits—like Magee-Womens Research Institute (MWRI)—for the future.
While you’re donating to deserving nonprofits all over the Steel City, consider contributing to MWRI, the largest U.S. research institute devoted exclusively to women’s and infants’ health. Your donation will not only fuel extensive research efforts, inspire real results, fund the best in the business, and foster community, but contribute to life-saving research in reproductive health, women’s cancers and infectious diseases, and many other areas affecting women and infants.
Extensive Research Efforts
MWRI is on the cutting edge of all research related to women’s and infants’ health. That includes diving into reproductive biology, women’s cancers, HIV immunization and prevention, fertility, and more. MWRI has pioneered the 9-90 concept, which posits that the moment of greatest plasticity in life occurs in the first 9 months before birth, and can define a person’s life for the next 90+ years. By researching the first 9 months—and treating disease as it's detected in utero, we can better intervene when problems arise to create a higher quality of life after birth. One example of the research we’re conducting is the Center for Family Planning Research, which performs clinical trials dedicated to the development of new contraceptive methods in order to assist families in growing the way they want to.
Proven Results
MWRI’s research can be seen in the clinical impact of its work. For example, Magee’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, the largest in the country, saves thousands of lives every year thanks to its talented medical staff and state-of-the-art facilities. Meanwhile, the Microbicide Trials Network works with top researchers around the globe to develop new, affordable HIV-prevention tools. As research is developed in the labs, it’s tested in clinical trials throughout the world, and later, implemented bedside, where it has the potential to improve patients’ lives.
Research By The Best And The Brightest
The researchers at MWRI are drawn from all over the globe and other leading institutes to promote women’s health. MWRI often pairs with talented teams at Carnegie Mellon University, the University of Pittsburgh, and other world-class research groups. For example, MWRI was recently awarded a $3 million grant from the Eden Hall Foundation to establish the Comprehensive Ovarian Biology Research Center at MWRI and the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
Constantly Fostering The Community
As a leader in women’s health, MWRI holds weekly seminars to share ground-breaking research to educate both the public and other professionals on advanced concepts. Each year, MWRI hosts multiple retreats to allow people to explore important women’s health issues in extensive detail. Wherever women’s and infants’ health is concerned, MWRI wants to be there. That’s why the institute readily collaborates with organizations, individuals, and companies to grow awareness and funds to support healthcare for women and infants.
How You Can Donate
Give Big Pittsburgh makes it easy to donate to MWRI on their website. But you can also contribute by visiting our Make a Donation page and filling out the form. Your donation will fund myriad efforts and go a long way toward improving women’s health everywhere.